
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Daughter like Mother!

Ok so as a parent we want our kids to be wonderful, fantastik, super great at everything that they do. Most parents are proud to pass on the good genes, like knowledge, personality etc. But not me... I am so proud to pass onto my daughter the talent on how to fit more then one soother into your mouth. Now give her a break, shes still learning she hasn't quite mastered the 3 soothers in mouth but shes got a good start with So this is Addison being the best soother sucker out

See I even have pictures to prove it. Lets just hope she doesnt follow in all of my footsteps!! The top is of Addison with her 2 soothers, and Im on the bottom with 3!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tick Season...ugh


Aren't they the most prettiest creature you have ever seen??? NOT!! I woke up this morning and Addison and I were playing on my bed. Yesterday she had taken a tumble on the gravel road and scraped up her face pretty good and her knees too. Well as we were playing I noticed something dark in the top of her ear, I thought 'hmm wonder how she got blood in her ear'. I then got her to lay down on my lap so I could take a better look. I stuck my finger in her ear to try to clean in out but to my surprise it was a bug. A tick to be exact!! I freaked out, brought her downstairs for Kyle to look at it. He got the tweezers to try to move it and it was stuck there. Not really knowing what to do, and knowing that if the tick is removed and the head is in here ear that that can be really bad. So I packed her up and off to the hospital we went. Once there they sent us to the clinic, cause there were no Dr there. Well after chasing her around the clinic for about an hour we were finally seen by the Doctor. I had always been told that you should burn the tick or drown it in oil to get it out. But all of that is wrong. If you do that then the tick get agitated and will regurgitate its stomach back into your body. The doctor took these fancy looking tweezers and grabbed it. It was a monster of a bug, about the size of my pinky finger nail. Sooo that is how i spent my Friday morning. I have decided not to let my kids go outside to play anymore and if so they are going to be in a big plastic bubble!! lol

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


OK so I have been tagged. Have never been tagged before so lets see how this goes.....

A tag about ME !

Where were you born? Cardston ,Alberta
Middle name: Fay
How old will you be this year? 26, wow am I really that OLD, sure don't feel it !
Nicknames: Del, Dil, Ryandeller-feller(my grade 3 teacher use to call me that) Bill- my sister calls me Bill all the time, I think its short for Billbobaggins from Lord of the Rings
Are you taller than your mother or father? Shorter then my mom
Do you cry often during movies? all depends on the movie, Everafter, Charly, Notebook, cry like a baby when I watch those ones.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Favorite color: red and green, oh yeah and pink
Favorite foods: Rice, Mexican, Thai,Chinese
Favorite cold cereal: Shreddies, but only the diamond
Favorite Smells: Newborn baby, fresh rain or the outdoors, real Christmas trees, bounce sheets, lavender, baby lotion
Favorite time of day: lately its early morning when I am the only one awake, the house is soooo quite I love it.
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Herbal Essence
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two really flat pillows stuffed into one pillowcase
Do you play an instrument? back in the day I could play the piano a Little bit and the French Horn
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? good question , it has been so long but I do think it was Dr Seuss..Horton hears a Who
What is your favorite thing to wear ? Jeans & a hoodie
What is your dream vacation? Either New Zealand or Europe
What was your first impression of your spouse? I will be honest with this one..I first noticed the truck long before I even noticed him, and then it was wow hes pretty good looking :)
If you were an animal what would you be? MM thats kinda a tough one I think I would be a alligator, lounge in the water where no one is going to bother me
What is your favorite "me- time" activity? Me time?? whats that?? never heard of that before
What is one of your weaknesses? I get moody if I don't get enough sleep, and pretty emotional too
What do you fix for dinner when there's nothing to fix? Cereal or sandwiches
If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? mm either the 60s or 80s they both had good music then
What is the emotion you feel the most? right now since we just moved I think it would be stress, lost, lonely...
Do you consider yourself outgoing? All depends on the day
What is something you are constantly working on? Patience & Tolerance
Any hidden talents? mmm not that I can think of, guess they are hidden too well lol
What is a word or phrase you overuse? Addison NO or Kenzie leave your sister alone or Kenzie your 6 she is 1
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? move away from my home town and family
What is the best thing that happened to you so far this year? was able to quit my job at the bank
The best piece of advice you learned this past year? Happiness is a choice, a choice you consciously make everyday. So lets be Happy !
Who are the 6 people you are going to tag to do this survey? Anyone who wants to.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

SKI HILL?!?!?!!??!

Ok this is for all of you out there wondering if Saskabush really does have a ski hill. Well went for a drive the other day, came across this. And well I will let you be the judge of it. Is it a ski hill? Compare it to places like Fernie, Whistler, Castle Mountain. I have never laughed so hard when I first saw it. But there ya go proof that there is Ski hills in Saskatchewan!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Beautiful Saskatchewan

Here are some pictures of Saskatchewan at its finest, NIGHT! The sunsets here are so beautiful. Alberta has a few nice ones every now and then but out here where its all FLAT and you can see the horizons for miles and miles they are fantastick!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our first week in Saskabush

Well I am going to do this the lazy way and just put up a bunch of pictures in a slideshow. If you have any questions just ask and I will answer them. We are still busy unpacking boxes and trying to get settled in. As you can see Kenzie loves being out on a farm. She loves to go out to the barn and check on her "Ladies".
Addison just loves to crawl in boxes or go thru all my cupboards!
And on one of the photos your probably wondering what the heck I took it for, well let me explain. Kyle decided to put the clothes on the line to let them dry cause it was such a nice day. Well after doing that he had a brainwave or a brain fart, I havent decided yet what it was. He thought it was a good idea to get rid of some of the brush down behind the trees. Well lets think about this for a second... nice clean clothes on the line.... grass fire.... I dont know about you but I dont really like my clothes smelling like smoke....most of the clothes on the line were his work clothes so it didnt really matter but still.... I am shaking me